Our educational programs are not only a great way for students to learn but also for families and adults as well. Below is a list of fun, interactive programs that are perfect for any group interested in history. Each program is approximately 1 hour long.
For scheduling and pricing information email info@picketteducationalresources.com.
Meet Captain William Hilton
Come meet Captain Hilton and learn about his life and harrowing adventures on the Carolina coast. You will discover how in 1663 Captain Hilton’s name became associated with Hilton Head Island and also learn about life as well as navigation aboard a 17th century ship through reproduction artifacts. Participants will be able to interact with Captain Hilton and ask him questions.
Meet Eliza Lucas Pinckney
In 1740 seventeen-year-old Eliza Lucas began her experiments with indigo which resulted in a profitable industry for the colony of South Carolina. However, indigo was not the only project Eliza undertook. Step back in time to the year 1787 and meet Eliza Lucas Pinckney. She will tell you about her many “schemes, whims and projects.”
Length of program: 30 minutes (includes a question-and-answer period).
Lectures on Spanish and French settlements in the Southeastern United States
The European Struggle to Settle North America Colonizing Attempts by England, France and Spain, 1521 – 1608 is the first book to link the settlements of all three countries into one comprehensive account. This power-point presentation by the authors focuses on Spanish and French settlements in the southeastern United States—delving into the history of each settlement and explaining why only one, St. Augustine, survived.